Quake World
Quake 2
Quake 3
RPGs Realm
Anime Center
Pics & Drawings
Myself & I

Okay, in December 1998, I was introduced by PeinOmbre and Christ to the fantastic game that is Quake II.  Although I never played any first person shooter, I was quasi-instanteniously addicted to the genre and after completing the game to it's three different level of difficulty, started to play DM online. 

Now, that was challenge, people in general being a lot more experienced than I was... Of course, at first, I always ended up being in the three last slot.  Still, I didn't give up and now, although still a beginner and too slow, I can at least manage to stay alive for a big two minutes so as to have one or two frags ^_^ !!! 

Being a bit more confident with myself, I decided to look out for other female players just for fun.  This is when I first encountered FilterGirl... Miss Golden Triangle herself!  A really nice friend of mine now that still kicks my butt!  And even if I did hope that that situation would change, it never really did LOL!

Then, I saw different clans and noticed Violent Femmes.  Giving a little twist to the normal clans, VF is mainly about a gang of Q2 addicted girls looking to have fun.  And so, I had joined their ranks!  Unfortunatly, most of their member got addicted to EVIL EVERQUEST and almost stopped completly playing Quake.  The big downfall of it all, the clan simply didn't filled the need I had anymore.  And so, my best bud Sinny and myself decided to leave the clan.  Sinny accepted Toni's invitation to join with Tejaz (a CTF and DM clan based in Texas) while I on the other end, seeing Summer and Navy training coming up, decided to stay a free agent. 

But then, who was I to think that an addicted game freak like I am could manage to live all her online time with no second family like a Clan do provide?  All I can say is that it didn't take long for Sinny and Toni to convince me of joining with TJZ when I got my computer back.  And I really gotta tell that this was probably the luckiest choice I made 'cause TJZ's people rox! ^_^

Now, the addiction didn't just stop with Quake 2... there's more then a couple of games that won my heart and here is some info on some of them: